Saturday, February 4, 2012

One More Time

I'm sure I've written this blog at least twice before, maybe more times than that. If you really wanted to, you could look through the blog history and find the other blogs. I'm hoping this is the last time, but it may not be.

Today, I am giving up sugar, caffeine, and junk food. I've done it before, so I know it's possible. I even went a year without chocolate. Actually I've done it twice. I'm not lying! And after the first few weeks, I don't even miss it all that much.

I feel so much better without all that garbage, but here's what happens: some well-meaning person tries to tell me about moderation in all things, that it's OK to have a little. Sorry. Doesn't work that way in my life. One brownie means that I can have a cookie the next day, and then it's peanut butter m&ms, and then buying a bag of m&ms or cookies is cheaper, and then before I know it I can't go a day without my fix. And that fix is no longer just one or a few, it is a major binge.

You wouldn't tell an alcoholic to have just one drink. You wouldn't tell a recovering drug addict to use their drug of choice but just occasionally. So please, help me and don't talk to me about moderation. For me this is an all or nothing situation.

I hope it works this time. I hope that I enjoy today's pizza, chocolate, and diet Dr. Pepper and then they remain just happy memories. But I'm realistic enough to know that that it might not work out that way. I may be back here writing this post again. But I won't give up. So, to wrap things up today, I'm going to share a quote from somebody really smart--me.

A mistake is not failure. Slipping back into old habits is not failure. The only true failure is when we give up and quite trying to be better.

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