Friday, January 13, 2012

God is a Scientist

I realize that I may be in the minority in my belief here, but I'm going to state it anyway. I do believe in God and miracles. And, I also believe that there are natural laws within which even God must work. God is god because he understand those laws and how to work with them. Miracles are simply God applying advanced science.

I believe that God created the heavens and the earth, and evolution may very well have been part of the process he used. I don't take the 7 days of creation literally.

I believe that there have been many great miracles, and that miracles continue today, and miracles will continue in the future. I also know that if a person from even just a few hundred years ago got hold of my iPhone, they would declare it either a miracle or black magic. To us, it is just really cool technology. We don't necessarily understand it all, but we accept that it is science. Medical science is full of miracles.

Calling a miracle science does not make it any less miraculous or make our dependence on God any less important. I have a little theory (and when you get right down to the details of the science of it, there may be a few holes, but I like it anyway.)

God told Joshua to march his people around Jericho and then to have them blow the ram's horn and then shout with a great shout. Resonance is when a vibrating body causes sympathetic vibrations in another body. The myth about the soprano shattering glass is not a myth. It can happen under the right circumstances. Have you heard the windows rattle when someone is stomping around in the house? The energy of that motion doesn't stay in the place of the stomp. So, I think resonance brought down the walls of Jericho. If it really happened this way, does that mean it wasn't a miracle? No. The miracle comes from the fact that Joshua didn't know the science, but he knew he could trust the Lord. He did what he was told and the walls fell.

I believe in a god that is all-powerful, but I believe His power comes from knowledge and wisdom.

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