I just remembered why I don't make my amazing enchiladas very often. In fact, I think it has been over 6 months since I did. Why, you ask, would anyone avoid making such a great meal? It's actually a little bit of a long story.
As I've mentioned before, there are some foods (like sugar, bread, chips, french fries, etc.) that I just can't eat in moderation. The sugar, bread, etc. I've decided just not to eat. I'm actually happier without any at all than I am when I try to eat responsibly. My enchiladas just may have moved into that category.
When I cook, I really cook. I usually make double or triple batches of things and freeze the extras for lunches later. My recipe for the enchiladas is actually a smaller version that I figured out from my friend's recipe. She makes this to feed 30 or more people. Yesterday I made enchiladas--a lot of enchildas. Here's the problem though--it's easier to separate them and cut them into smaller portion sizes after they have cooled, and I didn't get that done yesterday. So in addition to eating several yesterday, I had them for breakfast lunch and dinner today as well, and sadly, at dinner I just kept going back for more. I was full, but I couldn't stop. They say that after the first few bites you don't really taste it anymore, but that is so not true. The last bites were absolutely every bit as yummy as the first few.
The good news is that the leftovers have now been frozen in single portion sizes (and for some reason I don't pull another out of the freezer if I want more.) The bad news is that after I've finished up eating this batch, the enchiladas might have to join the "Don't eat it at all" group. Either that, or I need to freeze them immediately (which might not work.)
Lame blog, I know, but that is where my life is right now. I did a great job of not eating a lot of junk over the holidays and then I came home and overdid it with the enchiladas. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day and I can start again.
Wizarding World
1 year ago
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