A few months ago I wrote this post about all the growth, change, and transformation that has been taking place in my life. And it hasn't stopped since then. This is the year that challenges all my old thinking. This is the year that makes me face my fears. This is the year that I'm finally learning to use my voice.
I had huge plans for this summer. And of course, you know that making plans is a good thing, because how can you totally throw the plan out the window if there wasn't a plan to begin with? I had planned to do lots of reading and writing. I had planned to save money and eat healthier. I've done a little of all of those things. But mostly I've launched another big, long term project. I've had a blog about voice lessons and a Facebook group for quite awhile. This summer it kicked into high gear with about 30 posts in one month. It was great and wonderful and really helped me focus and prepare for the school year. Now I just want to see if I can keep up with it and get more people to talk teaching.
I'm also exploring the possibilities of going into business with a friend. Right now it is probably at least a year off since there is a lot of planning and organizing and fund raising to do. I'm not going to share more details yet, but if it happens, it's going to be a really good thing. It will give me a chance to do more of what I love without giving up the things I'm doing now (hopefully).
Another change happened a few weeks ago when a friend committed suicide. We actually haven't seen each other in a few years and mostly kept in contact by Facebook, but still it hurt. And there was a lot to process beyond just losing her. It brought up a lot of old stuff.
At my last doctor appointment, I told my doctor about some annoying but not serious symptoms. He has asked me to try an elimination diet to see if gluten may be part of the problem. So far it is going well. There are a couple of things I still need to work out, but I'm getting the hang of it. Because I know that chocolate also causes problems for me, I decided to get rid of that too. I think that I also have a few other food sensitivities, so this whole process might take awhile.
I also just started working with a personal trainer. So far, I'm loving it, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep it up once school starts. I'll just have to wait and see what my time, money, and energy situation looks like.
Next week is Freshman Orientation. School starts the following week. I'll be doing just after school lessons that week, and then I start my regular schedule the second week of September. And then it's another wild ride through the school year.
I've changed some policies and will be requiring students to use my website more. I do expect that that will be a little tricky. I've also added a few more events this year for students. My calendar is very full and very colorful since I've added colors for different kinds of events. I'm also finally moving my primary calendar online. I will still need paper reminders, but I think I've finally decided that online might be easier for keeping track of all that I'm doing.
Also in September I'll be a teaching assistant for 6 tai chi and qigong classes, plus prepping for the October Tai Chi for Energy workshop that I'll be taking from Dr. Lam.
This year of the Snake won't be over until Jan. 31. What other growth, change, and transformation is waiting just around the corner?
Wizarding World
1 year ago
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