Saturday, May 5, 2012

Making It My Own

A few weeks ago, I had an online conversation with some people regarding the LDS Young Women Theme.  This theme is recited weekly by the girls (ages 12-18) and as you can see in the link, corresponds with the Personal Progress program where the girls set goals and do projects to help them learn about each of the values.  The conversation we had began as one women posted the theme, with her personal commentary of what she felt the girls are hearing too often regarding these values.  It was negative, but in many ways truthful.  I am at a point in my life where I am trying to find ways to reframe things that seem harmful, to see the beauty and truth and let go of the rest.  So, I sat down and wrote my own commentary and did my own editing of the YW Theme.  

This is not the exact version I posted in that conversation, but it is a version that I think my friends and family are ready to hear.  This is in no way intended as criticism of the woman who started the conversation (by the way, she liked my version), nor is it intended as a criticism of the Church or people who view things differently than I do.  I don't expect you to agree with me.  This is simply who am I right now, where I am right now, and where I want to go.  (Please see the link above to compare the theme with my version.)

I AM A DAUGHTER of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who love me, and I love Them. 
I WILL “STAND as a witness of God (I can have a personal relationship with Deity, and that relationship may be separate from my relationship to the Church) at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9) (By showing Christlike love in my everyday life, in everything I do, in every choice I make, I am a witness of God) as I strive to live the Young Women values, which are:
  • Faith (I choose to believe that my Heavenly Parents love me and because I know that, I know that things can change and that things can get better.)
  • Divine Nature (As a daughter of God, I have unlimited potential. )
  • Individual Worth (Who I am right now is good enough.  Yes, there is always room for improvement, but my Heavenly Parents and I love me as I am at this moment, warts and all.)
  • Knowledge (My constant quest for learning is not just a quirky personality trait.  This is what my Heavenly Parents want for me.  They want me to learn and know everything, and more importantly to know how to apply that factual knowledge.) 
  • Choice and Accountability (It is my job and responsibility to  gather evidence, listen to guidance, study the possibilities, and make the choices that are best for me at this point in my life, even if it it contradicts the wishes of my church leaders or family.  Because I take personal responsibility for my choices, I can also take personal responsibility for the results of those choices.  I can embrace my mistakes and learn from them.)
  • Good Works (I can choose to reach out to those around me that need assistance and love.  It is also my responsibility to choose to do this in ways that do not cause harm to me.  If my cup is empty, I cannot give to others, so good works begins with taking care of my own physical, spiritual and emotional needs.)
  • Integrity (I am striving to create a unified whole with my life.  My actions align with my beliefs.  I am OK with showing who I really am, even if it is not who others want me to be. ) 
  •  and Virtue (I can choose to hold myself to high standards.  I can live a life of honor, a life that is moral and ethical.)
I BELIEVE as I come to accept and act upon these values, I WILL (live a more Christ-like life that benefits not just myself, but those around me as well), BE PREPARED to strengthen home and family (make the choices that are right for my family and our unique circumstances), and  make and keep sacred covenants (promises made between me and my Heavenly Parents.)

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