I had a different post planned for today, but this is the one I need to write today.
I'm thankful for people who excel in their fields, for people who dream big dreams, and for people who challenge and inspire us to be the be the best we can be.
I was 16 when James Cagney died. I had not yet felt the loss of close friends or relatives, but when he died, I felt like I had lost a family member. My dad was a big Cagney fan, and I loved old movies. Cagney had made me laugh and cry. He was a "hoofer" and one of the best. I admired his skill as an actor and as a dancer.
Today when I read the news of Anne McCaffrey's death, I felt a similar loss. I fell in love with her book, particularly the Pern series, and I've read nearly everything she's written. My own style and subject matter is very much influenced by hers. She hasn't done much writing in recent years, and most of that has been in collaboration with someone else, but while she lived, there was always hope of a new adventure to entertain, teach, and inspire. It really is the end of an era, but also a chance for those of us that have been inspired by her to pick up the torch. It's our turn to move the genre forward and open it to new audiences.
AARP just gave Jane Goodall the Inspire Award and I'd just like to say that she is definitely an inspiration, and not just to retired people. She is a beautiful woman who is continuing to make a difference in the world. I've never really understood people that stand in line for hours to see a celebrity and get the chance to get an autograph, but she is a woman I might do that for. I sincerely hope I one day will get the chance to see her in person. If you don't know her, first of all, what planet do you live on? Secondly, you should read her book Reason for Hope. It's amazing.
I'm also thankful for the less famous, but equally inspiring people in my life. And it's not just in big ways that they inspire. Sometimes it's sharing a quote, or a song, or a personal experience. Sometimes it's making me look at something from a fresh perspective. And many times, people don't set out to inspire me, but they are just there and by being who they are they give me the inspiration I need for that moment.
So my challenge for you and for me is this: 1. Thank someone who inspired you and 2. Put yourself in the right places and situations that you can serve as inspiration for someone else.
-- Posted from my iPhone
Wizarding World
1 year ago
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