Did the title get your attention? Are you wondering what I'm coming out about? I hope you won't be too disappointed that there aren't any major personal revelations here. But now that I have your attention...
I've recently reconnected with several people from my past. And a few of them are very open about that fact that they no longer fit the mold that we all thought we belonged in or pretended to be or everyone expects us to be. Some are gay and no longer hide it, but take pride in who they are. Some have left the religion in which they were raised, and have found great peace and happiness. I know that some of my other friends would comdemn them for these choices, and that makes me sad. I rejoice in their decision to live lives of honesty and integrity, to not be ashamed of who they are and what they believe. I applaud their courage and wish I had more of my own.
I want to speak, behave, and believe in accordance with what is in my heart, not what I know the people around me want to hear and see. I want to be brave enough and honest enough to open up to my friends and family about the things that are most important to me. I want my public life, the side of me that others see and interact with, to match who I am inside.
My students love the song "Reflection" from Mulan. She sings,"When will my reflection show who I am inside?" I can't answer for Mulan, but for me, the answer is "when I live every moment and face every situation with honesty and integrity."
Wizarding World
1 year ago